Higdon XS Floating Flasher 12 Volt Mallard Drake Motion Duck Decoy Polymer


Category: Product ID: 12543


The Splashing-Flasher has been redesigned to deploy easier and get to hunting faster.  It features an internal resized 12V battery, making the unit lighter and more portable.  It also utilizing a counter balance system, so wind is no longer an issue and motion is available in a variety of settings!. Wing movement and water movement is the deadliest of combinations!  Wing installation is quick and easy using a spring loaded pin to hold wings in place. Package includes one mallard drake, battery, and charger.


Product Information

Material Polymer
Quantity 1
Species Mallard Duck
Battery Higdon Decoy
Decoy Type Electronic
Flocked No
Head Position Active
Accessories None

Delivery Information

Shipping Weight 11.863 Pounds
DOT-Regulated Yes
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